%META:TOPICINFO{author="TylerCFolsom" date="1526595460" format="1.1" version="1.2"}% %META:TOPICPARENT{name="LowLevel"}% The most useful signal pins are 11 and 12:
1: PWM output to brakes to JP11 pin 2 and Arduino pin D6. (Obsolete)
2. Hall Phase A to Arduino pin D21 (input from hub motor. Intended for accurate speed information. Not implemented)
3 Hall Phase B to Arduino D20
4: Output to drive in reverse (not implemented)
5. Output to use regenerative braking (not implemented)
6. Emergency stop. Goes to Arduino pin D10
7: Available, Goes to Arduino pin D36
8. Hall Phase C to Arduino D19
9. to Arduino D34
10. Live E-bike control. Input to Arduino D18. This signal goes to 5V if the 36V power is on, or to 0 if it is off.
11: Ground
12: Analog throttle output to e-bike controller
13: An alternate analog output
14: Input for a speedometer click; attaches to Arduino D3.
15: Watchdog pet output. (not implemented)
-- Main.TylerCFolsom - 2018-05-17
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